Bilbox - Admin Dashboard Template
4 Framework. Good rating provides more and better updates in future! We love when all updates are free.4 HTML5 & CSS3 Fully Responsive Well Documented Cross-browser Compatible 6 Color Themes Left/Horizontal Bar, Static/Fixed Sidebar, Accordion/Hover Menu, Large/Compact Menu, Fluid/Boxed Layout and Collapsed Sidebar Layout Options Off-Canvas Profile Box 3D Navigation Flotchart, Sparkline, Rickshaw, Morris and Chartjs Charts DataTables Form Wizard Dropzone File Upload X-editable Select2 Image Crop Toastr Notifications Tree view Nestable lists Pricing Tables Inbox, Compose, Vew message, Profile, Calendar, Login, Register, Lock Screen, Forgot Password, Search Results, Coming Soon, Invoice, Timeline, Shop, Gallery, Error and Contact Pages Google & Vector Maps The Bilbox UI Framework is a premium Web Application Admin Dashboard built on top of Twitter Bootstrap 3. Features Built with Bootstrap 3.