Old botanical images digital download.
YOU WILL RECEIVE: - 28 JPG pages Letter-size 8,5''x11'' ready for printing, 300 Dpi - 22 Seamless patterns 12''x12'' / 3600 x 3600 px, JPG, 300 Dpi - 9 PNG images, 300 Dpi KIT INCLUDES: - 8 main decorative journal pages - 19 decorative background pages - 5 PNG clipart elements - 10 Pages of ephemera/elements - 22 seamless patterns JPG - 4 seamless patterns PNG Beautiful seamless patterns with antique floral images.. Modes de Paris "Modes de Paris" Printable Scrapbooking Kit.Antique French fashion junk journal kit - printable vintage fashion illustrations - french dresses and hats, 19th century french fashion images.