Gallery Visual Portfolio that supports shortcode for displaying all custom post types or portfolios, and allow you to create an outstanding portfolio layout.
Any pre-sale FAQs, you can read it at Online Documentation Try Free version Get Support Service from our Professional Support Staffs? We provide 4 color styles for this template by default, you can extend it easily. If you're planning to have an eCommerce store, come get our Clothing WordPress theme and make your store come true now! Resonsive Layout Designed as a mobile-ready WordPress theme, TGP Medical helps your site perform its best across any mobile devices and PC screen sizes, with the whole content displays in a proper way.Besides, this theme has been developed on a powerful framework with fully bootstrap that provides fully responsive layout, great page builder and drag-drop layout content, it will be easier than ever for you to customize your site as the way you want. TPG Clothes is a premium WordPress theme which meets all of your requirements for a perfect online store, especially for fashion clothes, accessories, shoes shop websites.