Now you have a full suite of 24 designer templates ready at your finger tips.
Here is what's in it for you: - 3 Checklists - 2 Cheatsheets - 3 fillable Worksheets - 3 Cover Pages - 3 Page Guide Cover, 3 Steps Overview, Text/Form Page - 1 Roundup Sheet - 1 Audit Sheet - 1 Three-month Planner - 1 Toolkit/Resources Sheet - 1 Blueprint Sheet - 5 Page Workbook Cover, Overview, Text Page, Fillable Page, Offer Page - 5 matching Pinterest Templates - 5 matching Instagram Templates for Story Feed in total 24 Worksheet & Lead Magnet Templates 10 Social Templates for promotion! How does it work? 2020. However, all other fonts are available for free and can be used with a normal, free Canva account.. My Boutique Themes.