Inquire through the link below about my full resume service where I take your old resume and copy it over to your new resume template.
I submitted my resume using this template and got an interview within a week!. Your 1, 2-, and 3-page resume template designs are approved for all jobs and careers executive, director, healthcare, administration, tech, accountant, sales, IT, engineer, teacher, students, finance, management, medical, nursing, no job experience, sorority, fresher, and more! Reach out via resume@theartofresume. Resume Technical Help: Sometimes a computer just won't cooperate, if you need me to get you started or need a fast formatting and cleanup when you're all done, shoot me a message! --- Your Resume Template Requirements One of the following programs : - Microsoft Word Download a FREE version: - Apple Pages It's free in your Apple store --- Yay! Will buy it again from her and will recommend it to anyone who needs a resume template.