These colorful bokehs are completely seamless, so with the proper knowledge and software they can be repeated or tiled over and over again.
3600 x 3600 px --- Copyright 2014-2016 by Clarissa Hughes of RaccoonGirl Design The colors include bright bold shades of turquoise, green, lime green, yellow, orange, red, fuchsia, pink, violet and blue. This digital paper set has a rainbow of colors in a lovely and seamless bokeh effect.Use them as beautiful overlays or make all sorts of stunning craft or commercial projects! Seamless Bright Rainbow Bokehs Included: - 10 Colorful Bokehs - 4 Multi-colored Bokehs - 1 Rainbow Effect Bokeh File Details: 1 Zip containing 15 JPEG files, High Quality 300dpi, 12 x 12 in.