10 Pre-made colours Flat Style 16x9HD, Retina Ready .KEY files Special for MAC Users, iWork, Keynote presentations Easy to edit!
Time Management Keynote Templates 2 Click to customization Only editable all shapes Retina ready Free Google fonts A large number of slides with a real description of time management models and techniques.Only editable shapes: easy change size and colours, no need Photoshop or Illustrator! Time Management for Keynote MAC Users: methods, technologies, tips and templates: 30 Unique Slides 300 Total : Timetable, Timeline, 4Ds model, POSEC method, ALPEN Method, Day Time Management, Tips for Time Management, Other Techniques, Eisenhower Matrix, Covey's Matrix, Monochronic vs Polychronic, Self-Management, Time Management in Organisations, Time Tracking Process in Organisations, SMART Method, Pareto Principle 80/20 Rule , Pomodoro Technique, Kanban boards, David Allen's Method "Getting things done", Task List, Daily Schedule.