Not gel pens, milky pens, the friggin' deal.
Enter these hand-drawn Milky pen-inspired doodles. The package includes a wide selection, including 26 letters, 20 emojis/smileys, 20 words including CTAs , food and fruit, plants, decorative symbols, mythical beings, animals, social icons, zodiac signs, and more! The Specs: - 100 doodles - SVG format - Transparent PNG format 300 dpi, art optimized - 600-900px - HSB color profiles 60, 160, 190, 300, 330 H, 10-30 S, and 100 B. Let's pretend it's 2001 and you've packed your bag for your friend's birthday party sleepover event of the year with a fresh pack of Milky Pens.