To take up less space and simplifying icons on the web and phone apps.
Full Tools is the perfect font for web use. EMOJI ICONS Amazed, Angry, Beard, Crying, Dead, Dissapointed, Embarrassed, Evil, Friendly, Happyness, Happy, Hilarious, In-love, Indifferent, Kiss, Laughing, Lovely, Muted, Nerd, Quiet, Sad, Scaret, Smile, Stress, Sunglasses, Suprised, Suspect, Thief, Tongue, Wink COMMUNICATION ICONS Announcement, Arrow, Arrows, Attachment, Bluetooth, Google Glass, Green, Fax, Home, HTC Phone, iMac, iPad, iPad Mini, iPhone, Iwatch, Link, Lock, Lumia, Man, Women, Man and Women, Magnifying Glass, Mail, Monitor, Pen, Photo, Phone, RSS, Samsung Phone, Setup, Star, Trash, World In the following days coming new icons. You can enjoy using it. For example "Full Tools - Communication" and "Full Tools - Emojis" and more.