Learn web design, kickstart your next project by adding your content to the selected sections, experiment with easily customizable colors, icons, text styles, and buttons, iterate to define the best structure of your website using predefined modules.
Actually, it was created for ourselves and then presented to the designer's community. --- WHAT'S INCLUDED: Style Guide: - Logo - Typography styles H1-H4, sH1-sH2, Body, Body Bold, Body Caps, Body Large, Underlined, Hint, Hint Bold - Color styles - Buttons - Input fields - Icons Resolutions: - Descktop 1440px - Tablet 1024px - Mobile 375px Grid: - Layout grid: 12 columns desktop , 2 columns mobile - Grid: 8 px Sections: - Hero: 12 - Header: 8 - Menu: 5 - Gallery: 3 - Product: 3 - Cart: 1 - News: 2 - Content: 7 - Features: 2 - Team: 3 - Partners: 2 - Numbers: 2 - Contacts: 3 - Footer: 8 Fonts: - Montserrat - Lato Photos by unsplash.com --- We use Modularity in our everyday design process.