Make sure our theme is fully responsive!
- Back-to-top and social sharing button options - Extra menu option for different menus for each page - Color options hover, dropdown, sub-menu, backgrounds, headers and global - Typography options size, font, letter spacing, weight control for each area of your site - Header options icons, position, height, animation, style, logos, top header information, phone number, social networks and email address - Footer options columns, colors, image upload, height, text and social area - Portfolio post type options - Team member options - Custom URLs slug for any post type - Knowledge-base options - Blog options blog style, post views, post likes, related posts, standard and single post sidebar control - 404 page not found options image, background color, text, color, title and align - Contact map template options map address, color, text, zoom and image market upload - Social networks options - Page Builder The drag-and-drop Visual Composer save $46 page builder for WordPress will save you tons of time working on your site content.