Hugo Advance
scss, you just need to uncomment the @imports if you want to use more of the Bootstrap library.. - Homepage Markdown - Services Markdown - Work Markdown - Team Markdown - Blog Markdown - Partners Data - Basic Page Markdown - Author Taxonomy - Portfolio Taxonomy - Contact Form Single Page - 100/100 Google Lighthouse performance score - No jQuery - 100/100 Google Lighthouse SEO score - Title and meta tags generated for each page - OG Meta tags facebook, twitter cards generated for each page - Auto generates meta title for each page - Semantic document structure, h1, h2, p etc - Header animation on scroll - Transparent header over hero images and backgrounds, turns white on scroll - Configure fixed header and header transparency - Responsive menu using simple vanilla JS code - Animated hamburger and mobile overlay - Nested main menu using Hugo menus - Multiple footer menus which are configured in config.toml - Robust example content included out of the box - All photos, illustrations and icons included with this theme are royalty free - Full blog.