And since that time it has taken on many forms: power blasts, fiery conflagrations, underwater miasmas, cosmic backgrounds, and everything in-between!
How can you not jump at this offer?! Once the brush has been applied you can just let it ride, or convert to shapes, delete the empty bounding boxes and edit the remaining krackle to suit your project. Well, we had a nice little vacation from sanity, filled with all manner of unexpected death and destruction, but now we're back and totally unprepared for anything! And for those of you who like to make a bold statement, we've partnered with Brand Larceny to offer Kracklewear products over at RedBubble ! Of course, you could do this all by hand, and honestly we love that method, but in the digital world that can get tiresome and complicated.But Kirby kept drawing those little circles and inkers kept tweaking things until some time in the early 1960's when everything began to take shape.