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Sent me social massage If you read a problem for support, he will be able to maneuver the problem and give him a screen preview and of course you will give us the link to the product, Because we have so many products with the same name, we can't find out, We try to help you as fast as we can, but sometimes we can't replay at the right time because we have holiday, In that case you have to wait a bit, And yes the product should stay away from the bat rating, Because the product's bat rating will not solve the product, With our support you will be resolved, There are usually no problems with the product, to follow how to use the rules, If there was a problem with the product, they would not come to the market for sale, If the rating of the product is good, the inspection of our work increases So try to give a good rating, Thank you very much for purchasing our product, We love our customer.