Adorn Roman
With more texture and character than you'd typically find in body text, it brings a softer, warmer look for small groupings of words. Technically it is a humanist sans, with tapering stems and high contrast in its thicks and thins. To view the User Guide that shows all of the features and what's included, visit: NOTE: For questions, including how to use this font and access alternates, please visit the FAQs page on my website: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adorn Roman is one of twenty fonts available in the Adorn family of seven display fonts, four script designs, monograms, ornaments, illustrations, banners, frames, and catchwords. While each font in the carefully orchestrated Adorn collection can stand alone, the particular combination of contrasting scripts, display fonts, romans, and the multitude of stylized fonts in Adorn's extraordinary toolkit makes each designer's creation one of a kind.