You'll also be able to change the wall colour or add your own wall paper designs.
5 Landscape - 8 x 10 Portrait, 10 x 8 Landscape - 10 x 10 Square - 8 x 12 Portrait, 12 x 8 Landscape - 11 x 14 Portrait, 14 x 11 Landscape - 11 x 17 Portrait, 17 x 11 Landscape - 12 x 12 Square - 12 x 16 Portrait, 16 x 12 Landscape - 12 x 18 Portrait, 18 x 12 Landscape - 16 x 20 Portrait, 20 x 16 Landscape - 16 x 24 Portrait, 24 x 16 Landscape - 18x24 Portrait, 24 x 18 Landscape - 20 x 30 Portrait, 30 x 20 Landscape - 22 x 28 Portrait, 28 x 22 Landscape - 22 x 32 Portrait, 32 x 22 Landscape - 24 x 30 Portrait, 30 x 24 Landscape - 24 x 36 Portrait, 24 x 36 Landscape - A5 Portrait, A5 Landscape - A4 Portrait, A4 Landscape - A3 Portrait, A3 Landscape - A2 Portrait, A2 Landscape - A1 Portrait, A1 Landscape - 30 x 40cm Portrait, 40 x 30cm Landscape - 50 x 50cm Square - 50 x 70cm Portrait, 70 x 50cm Landscape - 70 x 100cm Portrait, 100 x 70cm Landscape - 100 x 100cm Square --- Gallery Wall Layouts Gallery wall layouts are a great way of showcasing multiple posters and prints in different combinations. Simply resize the frame according to the provided Frame-scale-reference layer. Please make sure that your Easily drag and drop your chosen layout into any of the interior mockups to save yourself time or simply use them as a starting point for your own layouts.