Learn web design, kickstart your next project by adding your content to the selected sections, experiment with easily customizable colors, icons, text styles, and buttons, iterate to define the best structure of your website using predefined modules.
Modularity is created to help designers focus on the creative part of work instead of routine tasks like defining dozens of typography and elements styles.Modularity Figma Web Design UI Kit Create fresh website designs beyond standard boring templates with Modularity. - 62 modules of popular website sections Sections included:Header, Hero, Product, Features, Content, Gallery, Cart, News, About, Contacts, Footer - Two color themes Black & White - All modules are built using the 8px / 12 columns web grid - Customizable components and assets: typography, colors, responsive buttons, input fields and icons could be easily auto-updated to your preferred color palette - Layouts for desktop, tablet & mobile: all designs adopted for desktop 1440px , tablet 1024px and mobile 375px resolutions.