He does this through brand identity design, UX strategy and art direction.
If you're looking for the print edition, get it on Amazon here: Who is this book for? He has worked with Google, Udacity, Razeware, OpenClassrooms, MentorCruise and other top companies in the world. This book gives you an idea of what to expect and how to navigate your way around the following parts of your brand identity: - Mission - Vision - Voice & Tone - Tagline - Colors - Typography - Logo - Supporting Assets - Brand Elements - Illustrations & Photography - Motion & Animation - Profile & Cover Pictures - Presentation Decks - Social Media Templates - Promotional Materials - Design System About the Author Author's Amazon page: Bapusaheb Patil, a. He has also produced brand identities for Donn Felker, Founder of Caster. Or, if you're a freelancer who's generally interested in personal branding, this book is for you.