With this website, you can convey the message to the user about your product very effectively. You can also customize the design easily so that it communicates your brand color, typefaces or pictures.
The typefaces and Pictures used in this design are all free. Aleya Furniture Landing Page All the Illustrations and Icons are designed by me and completely free of cost to use them on your next project. Thank you very much and have a nice This landing page is designed to give users information about the product which is very hard to convey to the customer another way around through Facebook or Instagram post . Hi there, this is a landing page designed for your new furniture product that needs attention and needs a standalone landing page to communicate how great your product is!.
Features: Font used: Poppins Free to download Images used from Unsplash Free to download Illustration and Icons designed by me which is included with this design Responsive Layouts: Desktop, Mobile & Tablet 8pt Grid System Pixel Perfect Design Let me know what you think about the design and share any feedback.
You can easily download typeface and pictures from Google Fonts and Unsplash through the link provided on Help file. Thank you very much and have a nice This landing page is designed to give users information about the product which is very hard to convey to the customer another way around through Facebook or Instagram post .