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Thank you! Very suitable when applied in several media such as book covers, magazine covers, newspapers, ad banners, coffee shops, menu listings, website pages, your trademark, maybe used as a logo. Maze The Techno Square Font --- If you have any questions about licensing, need help with a typeface, would like to request a new feature, or make a collaboration maybe don't hesitate to contact me at andrifmsyh@gmail. Maze The Techno Square Fonts are created for fulfilling the need for heavy or thick letters.Don't forget to like, share, save for later and purchased : --- Supports 82 different languages such as Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, French, Turkish, Italian, Polish, Kurdish Latin , Azerbaijani Latin , Romanian, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech, Serbian Latin , Kazakh Latin , Swedish, Belarusian Latin , Croatian, Slovak, Finnish, Danish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovenian, Irish, Estonian, Basque, Luxembourgian, and Icelandic in Latin and other scripts.