BERGANZA is a humanistic serif font designed by Carlos Campos Cuchi, Qu Tipo!.com/typefaces The download zip file of Berganza typeface contains: OT, TT and WOFF formats 1113 Glyphs 518 Characters 38 Languages 4 Styles: regular, bold, italic & bold italic 28 Opentype features: stylistic sets, ligaturas, historical ligatures, swashes, contextual alternates, numerals, etc Precise kerning Embellished with several ornaments and swashes, it quickly reminds an age in which castilian arts & letters were flourished, as well as the fantasy knighty fables adventures of heroes, loved ladies and evil villains.Berganza Font Berganza typeface takes its name from the main character of the picaresque novel The Conversation of the Dogs Cervantes, 1613 . Berganza is a typeface designed as a tribute to the spanish century called Siglo de Oro.