rig is 30 bones.
CRASC fbx only you can check out this model in real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: vFpIIW069Sw --- Animation list: - idleStationary: 5 to 69 - flyForward: 160 to 224 - lungeForward: 245 to 275 - lungeLeft: 230 to 294 - lungeRight: 300 to 364 - lungeBiteForward: 380 to 416 - lungeBiteLeft: 425 to 461 - lungeBiteRight: 470 to 506 - getHit: 515 to 540 - inAirGetHitToFall: 545 to 585 - falling: 605 to 635 - hitTheGround: 645 to 666 - death: 680 to 720 - stingerAttack: 725 to 766. this package only includes the exported .fbx version of the crasc.