rig is 71 bones.
.the geometry is 26616 Tris total and is composed of several parts: base body: 8924 tris, chest and shoulder armor parts: 7415 tris, forearm armor right: 1006 tris, shield: 1401 tris, leg armor: 1617 tris each, weapon: 2880 tris, helmet: 2062 tris.max 2012 as well as the exported FBX version. you can check it ou in real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: u1pMS-ebTJI --- Animation list: - idleBreathe: 5 to 65 - idleAgressive: 70 to 100 - walk: 105 to 135 - strafeRight: 140 to 17 - strafeLeft: 175 to 205 - attack1: 210 to 265 - attack2: 270 to 310 - attack3: 315 to 355 - 2HitComboA: 360 to 440 - 2HitComboB: 445 to 525 - 2HitComboC: 530 to 595 - 3HitComboA: 600 to 702 - attack1Forward: 715 to 76 - attack2Forward :770 to 810 - attack3Forward: 815 to 855 - 2HitComboForwardA: 860 to 940 - 2HitComboForwardB: 945 to 1025 - 2HitComboForwardC: 1030 to 1095 - 3HitComboForwardA: 1100 to 1197 - taunt: 1205 to 1285 - getHit: 1290 to 1335 - death/ 1340 to 1410: Model has 3 materials and is fully skinned and animated.