Geometry is 7168 tris tail version or 6718 no tail version and has 1 material for each with 4 tint variations. this package only includes the exported . EVIL WATCHER fbx only you can check out this model in a real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: o3HAt-xTn64 --- Animation list: - idleLookAround: 5 to 365 - idleSleep: 375 to 495 - wakeUp: 500 to 530 - flyForward: 545 to 575 - flyRight: 585 to 615 - flyLeft: 620 to 650 - lungeForward: 655 to 685 - attack1: 690 to 730 - attack2: 740 to 795 - getHit: 800 to 830 - death: 870 to 920.fbx version of the evil watcher.
You can easily change the color of the icon as we prepared 5 color schemes for every taste! Basic 3D Icons Set The set includes Figma, Blender files, and PNG format. Go ahead and use any kind of file to enrich your project! In our pack, you'll find 36 unique icons at 2 different angles.