Rig is 128 bones.
EVIL WATCHER fbx only you can check out this model in a real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: o3HAt-xTn64 --- Animation list: - idleLookAround: 5 to 365 - idleSleep: 375 to 495 - wakeUp: 500 to 530 - flyForward: 545 to 575 - flyRight: 585 to 615 - flyLeft: 620 to 650 - lungeForward: 655 to 685 - attack1: 690 to 730 - attack2: 740 to 795 - getHit: 800 to 830 - death: 870 to 920. this package only includes the exported .fbx version of the evil watcher.