You can contact us using the form on this page: contact-form or in the comments below.
Full demo: --- Theme Features - Mobile-friendly responsive - Retina-ready - Visual Content Builder - Unlimited color combinations - Theme Options panel - WooCommerce-ready - Page and post layouts - Load posts via ajax - Fixed header on scroll - Video backgrounds - Pre-made layouts for Content Builder - Wide and boxed website layouts - One-page functionality included - 3 Grid layouts: masonry, rows, and columns - Footer widget area - 4 Header configurations - 3 Background options: solid fill, texture, and image - Extended header with hero image - Preloader for slower connections - Converting pop-ups - Portfolio content type and filters - Fully documented - GPL licence - Child theme available - Translation-ready - Clean, lean code - Made by Envato Elite author - Updates and fixes - Optimized for speed - SEO settings - Friendly support --- Support and Contact Have pre-order questions, not sure how to use the theme, found a bug, or have some suggestions or feature requests? Please unzip the archive "Bento_package. Purchase Process Bento consists of a free theme and a paid add-on, called the Expansion Pack, which is essentially a plugin which you install together with Bento, adding richer features and options. Bento was created by an Envato Elite theme author with 6 years of experience in designing and building WordPress themes, and combines the best practices in usability, coding, and search engine optimization accumulated over a decade of working with various WP-based projects.