It can be used as a cute display quotes, kids related, blog, branding, packaging, wedding invitation project, etc.
Giving off a fun vibe, informal and human handwriting look.. Keyword: Tinyboppy, brush, textures, handwriting, handwritten, font, typeface, cute, fun, cheerful, decorative, readable, kids, design, humanist, tote bag, quotes, display, cursive, all-cap Features: - Standard English A-Z, a-z - Western European supported - numbers 0-9 & punctuations This product includes: - Tinyboppy OTF, TTF, Webfont Thank you very much! Tinyboppy Handwritten Brush Typeface I would like to introduce Tinyboppy a handwritten brush typeface Tinyboppy a handwritten brush typeface created from a real brush pen.