Merrymakers JNL
Type to get , Type - to get ' Type to get Additionally, to access the lower case smaller side versions of the numerals, type the following keys: Type % to get 0 Type to get 1 Type to get 2 Type to get 3 Type / to get 4 Type : to get 5 Type ; to get 6 Type to get 7 Type to get 8 Type to get 9 A throwback design reminiscent of 1950s signage and print ads, Merrymakers JNL takes a previous release Bluesman JNL and places the letters and numbers inside parallelograms with TV screen' openings. To make a fan fold' or zig-zag message, simply alternate upper and lower cases as in this example: C-a-R space D-e-A-l-E-r-S You can type spaces between words, but if you prefer blank connectors, use the following: Upper case solid black connector left bracket key Lower case solid black connector right bracket key Upper case TV screen' connector left brace key Lower case TV screen' connector right brace key There is a very limited set of punctuation available. Merrymakers JNL is available in both regular and oblique versions..