--- PAGES INCLUDED - About the brand, voice, mission, message - The main logo & logo mark - Black & grayscale - Clearspace, Incorrect uses, Minimum sizes - Logo colors & Additional colors - Color hierachy - Logo & Brand typeface - Typo hierachy - Letterhead, Business cards, Envelope - Packaging & Marketing - Website grids - Marketing site, Social Media - Visual style, Model photos, Moodboard - Iconography, Checklist - Get in touch --- FILES INCLUDED - Design Guidelines DIN A4 1 single page and 1 double page version - Design Guidelines US letter 1 single page and 1 double page version - 4 Adobe Indesign .idml file DIN A4 & US letter - 4 Preview PDFs --- FEATURES - For Adobe Indesign CS 4, 5, 5. With a consistent brand language, images, and color schemes you will build trust with your audience because they know what to expect.