Can be used for: - Web app and website usage Only displayed in the Licensee's website s , within the agreed upon pageview limit.
Lately, I have been pairing it with hand-lettered headlines for a wedding suite I am designing as well as on the banner on my Creative Market profile. Hoping to have a digital download for you soon so you can easily do the same! A clean and chunky sans serif perfect for logos, quotes, branding, invitations, wedding stationery, and and I will get back to you with a solution as soon as possible. Goldie A Clean Quotable Sans --- Includes: - Goldie Sans light - Goldie Sans bold - Uppercase lowercase - Numbers punctuation - Multilingual accents characters --- Customer Support Your satisfaction matters deeply to me! - Embedding fonts Only within the Licensee's website s and agreed upon pageview limit Cannot be used for: - Games - Design or Print-on-Demand applications - Desktop use More in-depth licensing info available here: Can be used for: - Web app and website usage Only in rasterized form - Games Only in rasterized form - Design or Print-on-Demand applications Only the Licensee may use the font to create a completed end product Cannot be used for: - Embedding fonts files Must always be used in rasterized form ___ Webfont License Info The licensed font can appear in multiple websites owned or controlled by the Licensee.