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90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes

About The Each line individually ruled, aligned, and tested before sorting, from smallest to largest. Any shapes that needed to be compound shapes "see-through" , were before being assigned to the Brushes panel

I really like the results I got, more "how they turned out" than "how I expected things to go", to be sure, but I think I need to make a few more packs. Why the pointVisco pen? I couldn't resist making brushes out of some lines, and this is what happened. All that great detail that makes lines unique, was captured as best as my eye could get. Each line individually ruled, aligned, and tested before sorting, from smallest to largest. 90 97 High-Quality Ink Brushes for Adobe Illustrator Updated Dec 17, 2014! -cartoon for playing around with the brushes out of the box All brushes were hand-made, from start to finish. It's also the first brush pack I ever had to make pretty for other people, because my personal packs are not like this : . I'll be using them myself - that's why I make them - so I figured I'd share. Each line was traced as close to the original as possible. Pigma Microns, brush pens, ball-points, etc. Scanned at 600dpi made the longest line over 100 "Illustrator Inches": Detailed lines shouldn't be a problem. My goal is to have enough lines so that I don't get sick of looking at them. Hope you like them, fellow linebenders, and if you'd like to see more, let me know in the comments! Any shapes that needed to be compound shapes "see-through" , were before being assigned to the Brushes panel. I originally bought it for a writing pen, but it's goopy and unpredictable; it gives good line. I used the same process generally throughout, so that all the lines would be relatable in a real-world scale. Included in Purchase 6 total files, 2x3; Individual files for both Illustrator CS3 and CC : -Brushes .AI files -Source Illustrator files make your own packs based on your favorites! $2 is as low as I can get on the site, so there you go, that's my pricing strategy.


90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes


Specifications of 90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes

CategorySoftware > Digital Goods & Currency

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90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes
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90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes
90 Pro Illustrator Ink Brushes
Rating :- 8.11 /10
Votes :- 11