, The product will not work properly if you miss an instruction, and many of the effects we keep hidden, how to find them, you can easily find them by watching our video, besides many more advanced techniques we can easily see through this video.
, And even if it mentions, we update them, or if after a while we feel the need to add something, or give a bonus file, then we do that, you don't have to worry about updates, and you'll get notifications when the product is updated, and we'll mention the updated date in the product description. Freehand customization We've focused on freehand customization of each of our products in full size since 2020, meaning you can customize it to your liking, and you can control each effect individually if you want, and control each color separately, The products are always kept in mind that you can control everything differently, but in some cases, there are things that are not possible, then how to control it and we provide solutions through video. Compatible with Photoshop CC2015. Time-saving Since 2020, we've included in each product how to save your time and get it with one click, and it's still ongoing.