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Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack

About The Note: For best results presets should be applied to photographs taken in RAW format.xmp PB2

Import the two .DNG files images into the Lightroom App. Alternatively, if your smartphone supports RAW photo format you can take them within your smartphone's camera app. Press the "..." in the top right corner and select "Create Preset" and save it. The presets is then saved inside your Adobe Lightroom for future use. 2. 3. 2. Save the two .xmp files on your computer and open Adobe Lightroom for desktop. The preset is then saved inside your Lightroom app under "Presets" for future use. Once applied, freely adjust brightness and grain based on the brightness of your photograph and your preferences and keep in mind that this preset pack was created for sunny and warm summer photographs. Save the two .DNG files images into the camera roll on your phone. For use on a desktop device Adobe Lightroom is required. Note: For best results photographs should be taken inside the Lightroom app in .DNG raw format. 1. Note: For best results presets should be applied to photographs taken in RAW format. 3. In the bottom right corner select "Presets". Click on the "..." in the top right corner and select "Import Presets..." 4. 1. 4. 5. Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack Contents: PB1.xmp PB2.xmp PB1.DNG PB2.DNG Instructions for use on mobile device: For use on mobile device Adobe Lightroom: Photo Editor App is required. Select the two .xmp files and click "Import".


Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack


Specifications of Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack

CategorySoftware > Digital Goods & Currency

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Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack
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Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack
Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack
Peanut Butter Magazine Preset Pack
Rating :- 8.07 /10
Votes :- 13