- Displacement Maps - High resolution 5000x3333px.
Very easy to use with smart objects, just place your artwork. - Help file. FREE TEST FILE: 1V6n_ZRhXexljLv5wlQmED01-bFbaOi1B Men's Hoodie Mock-Up Set Easy to place your designs using smart objects, double-click the Smart Layer, copy & paste your artwork, save and you're done!. --- Follow us & Stay updated: You can see our other products: - Twins T-Shirt Mock-Up 2018 27: - 100 Leggings Mock-Up 20: - 100 Kid's T-Shirt Mock-Up 2018 22: - Family T-Shirt Mock-Up 2018 11: - Bestsellers Mock-Up Bundle: - T-Shirt Mock-Up 2018 1: - T-Shirt Mock-Up 2018 32: - Organized Layers.