Formats included: Blender, GIF, MP4, Lottie Icons you're getting: Sun, Moon, Partly Cloudy Day , Partly Cloudy Night , Cloud, Fog, Rain Drizzle, Rain Shower, Storm, Snow, Blizzard, Wind, Hurricane, Hail, Cold Weather, Warm Weather, Lightning Bolt, Air Temperature, Air Pressure, Air Humidity, UV Index, Rainbow, Visibility, Air Quality, Pollen and Allergy, Climate Change, Weather Forecast, Weather Station, Meteorologist Male, Meteorologist Female Why choose our icons? We've got just the thing! Niche-specific, fully customizable. We double-check that. With their dynamic animation and witty details, these icons look great in any weather project. _- thefulljenny I love that they come in multiple image types and are so easy to use.