Look no further!
School and Education Vector Icons If you're making an app related to education or schools, then this collection is just for you! What's included? - 1 AI - 1 EPS - 1 PDF - 1 PSD Layer by Layer Icons - 1 CSH - 100 SVG - 100 PNG 96 x 96 - EOT, TTF, WOFF - HTML / CSS Features: - Easy to change colors or edit - Fully resizable vector graphics - Large set of file formats including web fonts Don't hesitate to contact us for any queries! These icons come in a variety of different categories, badges, shields, books, stationery, trophies, tools and anything you can think of school and learning related icons. In this pack, we are bringing you a collection of School and Education Vector Icons that come in a solid white colour with minimal details, making it easier for you to resize and edit as per your desire. Looking for a scholarly theme for your next design?.