Might as well make that day TODAY!
The inker didn't quite get it. Excelsium! Once the brush has been applied you can just let it ride, or convert to shapes, delete the empty bounding boxes and edit the remaining krackle to suit your project. How can you not jump at this offer?! So help us find a door or window in our home and buy a few of these so we can see the sun again! It's that easy! PLEASE! King Krackle takes the tedium out and lets you focus on the creativity! Of course, you could do this all by hand, and honestly we love that method, but in the digital world that can get tiresome and complicated.Once again, for those of you above the deep nerdline of comics history, the quick and simple explanation of krackle is that over half a century ago a funnybook artist by the name of Jack "King" Kirby drew some circles in a panel where he wanted to show untethered, unbridled power.