Rainier Font webfonts
eps files to access everything at once --- WEBFONTS : This font package also includes webfonts for each sub family and ornament set --- And that's all folks! Meant for captions or smaller text, these letterforms are easy on the eye and a great compliment to the regular alphabet - Stylistic Alternatives: for a little fun, this character set offers a unified cap height, no matter what case you are using all caps, small caps or lowercase - Discretionary Ligatures: created only for capitals, this feature takes specific letter pairs and creates a unique ligature between them To get a better understanding of everything, please check out and print if you so desire the quick user guide that helps you navigate your way around and get the most out of Rainier! The concept behind it may be simple - a hand crafter font family - but what it delivers is quite complex! Hope you enjoy Rainier! I was inspired to create the Rainier type family during my summer back home in the Pacific Northwest.- Rustic Northwest Illustrations - Banners & Flags - Frames - Flourishes - Lines & Line Breaks - Arrows There are a lot of extras packed in this set, so make sure you check out the Ornaments User Guide to get the most out of it! --- ORNAMENTS : additionally, you get a set of awesomely rustic ornaments designed and drawn to go specifically with Rainier! Here is a breakdown of everything you get: --- FONTS : 2 sub-families with unique styles in 4 weights, and one set of graphic Ornaments - Rainier North 100 light - Rainier North 300 regular - Rainier North 500 bold - Rainier North 700 black - Rainier Ornaments - Rainier West 100 light - Rainier West 300 regular - Rainier West 500 bold - Rainier West 700 black --- OPENTYPE : In each family, there are tons of opentype options, offering lots of customizable opportunities in order to access all these goodies, you must be using Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign or Publisher - Contextual Alternatives: because Rainier is 100% handmade, each letter has three subtle variations, this way it keeps that authentic hand-drawn look - Swashes: a full alphabet with special descending swashes, as well as start and end swashes for capitals and small caps - Titling Alternatives: a full character set just to help with readability! You can also use the .