Technical Details - 1 Ultra High AAA Quality HK416D 14,748 Tris / 14,689 Verts - 3 HK416D LODs 25%, 50%, 75% -- 25% 3,686 Tris / 5,546 Verts -- 50% 7,372 Tris / 8,865 Verts -- 75% 11,061 Tris / 11,770 Verts - 5 PBR Textures @ 4096x4096 -- Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion The Ironbelly HK416D is a perfect recreation of this iconic gun, featuring 4K PBR textures, 3 LODs, and multiple meshes for parts to allow for easy customization and animation. The HK416 Assault Rifle is one of the most modern battlefield weapons seen across over twenty nations that employ their use.