Available formats: max 2010 Scanline max 2010 VRay max 2010 Mentalray maya 2011 maya 2011 VRay Cinema 4D Cinema 4D VRay FBX OBJ Compatible with 3ds max 2010 or higher and many others.
In order to use Vray rendering setups and materials, V-ray Adv 2.obj, format was exported from 3ds Max.30 or higher is required SKETCHFAB 3d PREVIEW: Special notes: - .Retro Desk If your software doesn't support .
Units: cm 4k resolution texutes -The original format is 3ds Max. HD Pencil Chips Shavings Photo realistic High Poly Pencil shavings Model is fully textured with all materials applied. There is also a scene to FBX, 3ds, obj conversion -2 types of materials: Standard and V-ray..
There is also a scene to FBX, 3ds, obj conversion -2 types of materials: Standard and V-ray.. HD Pencil Chips Shavings Photo realistic High Poly Pencil shavings Model is fully textured with all materials applied.