Rig is 48 bones.
this package includes the native . CERBERUS with Native File you can check out this model in real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: PsoCRh3hYVo --- Animation list: - idleLookAround: 5 to 305 - idleBreathe: 310 to 370 - walk: 375 to 405 - run: 415 to 439 - runBite: 445 to 469 - standBite: 475 to 510 - jumpBite: 515 to 545 - idleAggressive: 550 to 610 - biteAggressive: 615 to 650 - jumpBiteAggressive: 655 to 685 - roarSpreadFrieAggressive: 690 to 775 - getHitNormal: 780 to 810 - getHitAggressive: 815 to 845 - deathNormal: 850 to 920 - deathAgressive: 925 to 1000.