If you want, you can give me feedback on what you got. -- This set includes a total of 31 Procreate brushes brushes include: 20 unique fatcaps ,flare and fineline spraycan brushes. Each one able to a solid version and a pressurize -- Thank you for considering purchasing my kits. Here is "Procreate Graffiti Brush Set" , a set with 20 unique brushes for Procreate app to help you create outstanding lettering, calligraphy, digital graffiti tagging and typography projects. And if you do something amazing, you can tag me @maruciel on instagram As part of the creative community, I am committed to delivering high-quality, handmade resources.
Procreate Graffiti Brush Set
Specifications of Procreate Graffiti Brush Set | |
Category | Software > Digital Goods & Currency |
Instock | instock |