Rig is 108 bones.
BLACK DRAGON fbx only you can check out this model in real time unity web player required here: --- SKETCHFAB 3D VIEWER: --- VIDEO of the animations: TbdCh2S9VI0 --- Animation list: - flyforward: 5 to 25 - flyLeft: 30 to 50 - flyRight: 55 to 75 - flyForwardGetHit: 85 to 115 - flyLeftGetHit: 125 to 155 - flyRightGetHit: 165 to 195 - flyForwardGetHitToFall: 205 to 265 - falling: 270 to 310 - deathHitTheGround: 315 to 345 - idleLookAround: 355 to 835 - idleBreathe: 843 to 907 - runForward: 925 to 955 - runLeft: 965 to 995 - runRight: 1002 to 1035 - bite: 1045 to 1075 - roar: 1080 to 1155 - throwThunderBall: 1160 to 1210 - getHit: 1215 to 1245 - death: 1255 to 1322. this package only includes the exported .Geometry is 10028 tris and has 3 materials main body, crest, hair with 3 tint variations.fbx version of the black dragon.