It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and features. Appzia is a bootstrap 4 based fully responsive admin template. It allows developer to easily build a super awesome web application. FEATURES: - Responsive layout desktops, tablets, mobile devices - Bootstrap 4.1.1 - Clean and Flat design - HTML5 & CSS3 - SCSS Support - Login, register, error pages - Calendar view - Form validation - Invoice with ready print button - Directory List page - Google maps - Drop zone file upload - Summernote Editor - 4 Charts Library - Invoice page - Datatables - Error pages included CREDITS: - Bootstrap - Jquery - Font-Awesome - Ionicons - Animate.css - Wow.js - Sweet-Alert - Codrops - Full Calendar - Bootstrap-timepicker - Bootstrap Colorpicker - Wysihtml5 - Summernote - Dropzonejs - Datatables - Morris - Chartjs - Sparkline - JQuery-Knob - Gmaps - Vector Maps - Stocksnap images - Flot-charts - Waves Effect - Codepen - Parsleyjs Validation
Bootstrap Themes
Appzia - Bootstrap 5 Admin Template
Specifications of Appzia - Bootstrap 5 Admin Template | |
Category | Software > Digital Goods & Currency |
Instock | instock |